Pushes and Pulls (K-2)

Students build a fascinating tumbling toy while exploring the concepts of Pushes, Pulls, Strong vs. Gentle Forces, Direction, Patterns and the importance of Experimenting!

“The program was exceptional. My students are excited to go and invent.” -Tanya Lindsey, Kindergarten teacher

“The children learned so much about themselves as creators and inventors – through the magic of making objects that work and generate interest, involvement, satisfaction and joy in the process.” -Carolyn Lewis-Carter, K-1st teacher

Length: 60-90 minutes.
Group Size: 15-150 students.
Students need: “Pushes and Pulls” Toymaker Kits, crayons, markers

Next Generation Science Standards

[evc_icon_list][evc_icon_list_item icon_library=”fontawesome” text=”PS2 Motion and Stability: Forces and Interaction” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-check”][evc_icon_list_item icon_library=”fontawesome” text=”ETS1 Engineering Design” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-check”][/evc_icon_list]