Showing all 8 results

Grades K-2

Pushes and Pulls (K-2)

Students build a fascinating tumbling toy while exploring the concepts of Pushes, Pulls, Strong vs. Gentle Forces…

Grades K-3

Light and Sound (K-3)

Have your light detectors (eyes) and sound detectors (ears) ready!  We’re building a “Mini Movie Machine” and…

Grades K-2

Solids, Liquids and Gases (K-2)

A rubber-band-powered boat propels learning about the States of Matter, Properties of Materials, and…

Grades 3-5

Magnets and Motion (3-5)

Your students will form “strong attractions” to these kinetic projects that are all about Balanced…

Grades 3-5

Energy Transformations (3-5)

A motorized top “revs up” learning about Energy Transfer and Transformations, Circuits…

Grades 1-5

Earth and Sun (1-5)

Students have an out-of-this-world experience building magnetic models of the…

Grades 1-6

Colonial Toys (1-6)

Life was tough for Colonial kids—rules were strict, supplies were scarce, and there wasn’t much…

Grades 1-6

Pioneer Toys (1-6)

No cars? No computers? No video games? What’s a Pioneer kid to do?!?!  In this workshop…