Light and Sound (K-3)

Have your light detectors (eyes) and sound detectors (ears) ready!  We’re building a “Mini Movie Machine” and  “Musical Measuring Stick” while exploring Light and Sound Sources, Vibrations, Pitch, Opacity and more!

“Every child was successful and proud of his/her accomplishments. I know the adults had as much fun as the children. I highly recommend this workshop.” -Liz O’Connell, 1st/2nd grade teacher

“Your workshop emphasized skills needed for success in all subjects: problem-solving, flexibility, creativity, listening and following directions.  Your warm and generous teaching styled helped the students make beautiful creations.” -Sue Shannon, 2nd grade teacher

Length: 60-90 minutes.
Group Size: 15-150 students.
Students need: “Light and Sound” Toymaker Kits, colored markers, stapler, tape.

Next Generation Science Standards

[evc_icon_list][evc_icon_list_item icon_library=”fontawesome” text=”PS4 Waves and Their Applications in Technology for Information Transfer” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-check”][evc_icon_list_item icon_library=”fontawesome” text=”ETS1 Engineering Design” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-check”][/evc_icon_list]