Earth and Sun

Students have an out-of-this-world experience building magnetic models of the solar system while studying Rotation, Revolution, Day/Night, Seasons, Solar Years and Relative Distance/Size.

“Thank you for encouraging students to think, imagine and create. You guided them into a new area of excitement in our classroom. They are all inventors and creators of toys!” –Shelly Ward, 3rd grade teacher

“His demeanor was quiet and calm and he had the children on the edge of their seats for an hour and a half. His presentation was one of the main highlights of the year in my classroom!” -Anne Boyer, 2nd grade teacher

Length: 60-90 minutes.
Group Size: 15-150 students.
Students need: “Earth and Sun” Toymaker Kits, colored markers, crayons, scissors, tape

More Info: Your  students will experience a fun-filled, hands-on toy-building adventure that directly supports and extends national science standards around the topic of Earth and Sun.

Professional toy inventor and nationally recognized educator Rick “Mister Toymaker” Hartman provides the  instruction with a lesson teeming with scientific surprises, entertaining demonstrations and informative content.

Your students will use simple materials like wood blocks, magnets and rubber bands to build two fascinating toys that demonstrate important concepts studied in classrooms. Topics like: rotation and revolution, patterns of day and night, solar years, relative size and distance and variables (for older students.)

Perfect for curriculum enhancement, “in-school field trips,” and other special occasions, the “Earth and Sun” workshop promises to be a “Best Day Ever” for students, teachers, and parent volunteers alike!

Next Generation Science Standards

ESS1 Earth's place in the Universe
ETS1 Engineering Design